Chemistry is my LIFE these days.
i have chemistry every day of the week! I think, dream and eat chemisty. I can't look at a boiling pot of water without thinking about it's boiling point and if i add chicken broth will the boiling point be higher and lower, and what would be the formula for chicken broth. I can't stop starring at the bubbles forming at the bottom of the pot, amazed how all my life i thought those bubbles were air. In actuality it is water vapor, the SAME water molecules, just in gas form. Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry.
I got an A on my first test...yeah! i just took my second midterm, i'll let you know if all these thoughts of chemistry paid off.
Victor dice:
Me gusta leer lo que escribes porque no entiendo lo que escribes.
No pierdo mi capacidad de asombro!!!disfruto tanto de la diversidad de las ideas y de la originalidad en la forma de expresarse de cada uno de ustedes que me siento felíz simplemente de poder ser una expectadora.
O sera que también existe algo de química...?
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