I have just spent way too long trying to figure this blogging thing out.
If i knew i would have to come up with titles that would affect my blogs for the rest of my life i would have started deciding on the perfect name a few days ago. Which is probably why my blog is called panquecas, but after an hour signing up i have convinced myself it's perfect.
My first indecisive pancake: Blogging-in
Decision number one....what is your sign in name? That was easy because its my name.
Decision number two....what do you want your @blogger to be? This was the hard part because it is a permanant decision, but not only did i have to decide on a name but i had to choose a name that has not already been choosen. Mami helped me out with this one. so-indecisa seems to sum me up in a nut shell.....perfect! (i came up with the spanglish part though, did u catch that susi?)
Decision three......What to name my blog. after many thoughts and many second and third thoughts mami suggested panquecas. again, what would i do without her to help me pick the perfect name!
I like pancakes, i haven't eaten many lately, but i know i like them. I used to eat 10 at a time as a kid and now it just feels like the perfect blog name.
it is perfect because it is random, and random should be my middle name.....and it is also original. The best part though is that pancakes has nothing to do with anything, which suits my purpose because it gives me a lot of room to write. With a title like panquecas, there is no commitment to any one topic, i can write anything.
I can't wait to figure out something to blog about.
But now......to bed.